
Friday, 27 August 2021

Insect Art

 Because we were using ‘Insects’ as a topic this week for reading and writing we created some works of art based on insects also. We had to make them out of any materials we could find at home. I chose to use: paper and a hot glue gun

Here is a photo of my creation:  

Maths Week 5 Term 3 2021 Solving word problems

 Another thing we have been  learning in maths is how to solve word problems involving combinations of things. You had to be able to write addition equations showing as many different   combinations as we could. 

Some people found it was useful to do your figuring out using a table. But not the kind of table you eat off-a mathematical table.

Here is my work.

Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 My Come to Your Senses Poem.

 This week one thing we did for writing was a Come to Your Senses Poem. First you had to think of a human emotion, like love. Then you had to say what colour it would be. Then, you had to write 5 more sentences using your 5 senses saying how each would relate to love. The emotion I chose was Sadness

Here is my work.


Sadness is like the darkest shade of blue. 

It tastes like tears running down your eyes like raindrops. 

It smells like salty water, like dried up salty water from the deep dark sea.

It reminds me of the dark. A narrow dark cave. 

It sounds like rain on a dark and stormy night that won't stop pouring down its tears of sadness.   

Sadness feels like a winter's night with nothing to keep you warm.